Seminário no dia 28/04 às 10:00h

Nesta sexta-feira, dia 29/04. às 10 h, teremos o seminário de Man Ho Chan (Education University of Hong Kong, China) intitulado: "Evaluation of the Radial Acceleration Relation in elliptical galaxies and galaxy clusters"


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Evaluation of the Radial Acceleration Relation in elliptical galaxies and galaxy clusters

Man Ho Chan (Education University of Hong Kong, China)

Abstract: Recently, many studies seem to reveal the existence of some correlations between dark matter and baryonic matter. In particular, the unexpected tight Radial Acceleration Relation (RAR) discovered in rotating galaxies has caught much attention. The RAR suggests the existence of a universal and fundamental acceleration scale in galaxies, which seems to challenge the standard cosmological model and favour some modified gravity theories. A large debate about whether RAR is compatible with the cosmological model has arisen. In this talk, I will critically examine the alleged RAR in E0-type elliptical galaxies and galaxy clusters. By analysing the high quality velocity dispersion profiles of 13 E0-type elliptical galaxies in the SDSS-IV MaNGA sample and the X-ray data of 52 non-cool-core galaxy clusters in the extended HIFLUGCS sample, we find that the resultant RARs deviate significantly from the originally claimed RAR for rotating galaxies. Our results significantly challenge those modified gravity theories which suggest the existence of any universal acceleration scale.

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