Seminário nesta sexta-feira, dia 17/12 às 10h

Na próxima sexta-feira, dia 17/12 às 10h, teremos o seminário de Gabriel Menezes (UFRRJ) intitulado: "Quantum causality, the arrow of time and the Ostrogradsky instability"


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Quantum causality, the arrow of time and the Ostrogradsky instability

Gabriel Menezes (UFRRJ)

Abstract: In the understanding of the fundamental interactions, the origin of an arrow of time is viewed as problematic. However, quantum field theory has an arrow of causality. In this talk we will examine how this causal arrow determines the direction that scattering reactions proceed, which in turn tells us the time direction for which entropy increases. We will also show how the concept of the arrow of causality can have a significant impact in the discussions of the Ostrogradsky instability.

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