Seminário do PPGMAT
Convidamos a todos para o próximo seminário do PPGMAT.
Palestrante: Amir Fernández Ouaridi (Universidade de Coimbra)
Dia, horário e local: Quinta-feira, dia 08/12 às 11:10h na sala 214 do prédio do PPGMAT/PPGQUI
Título: Evolution algebras
Resumo: In 2008, the biologist J. P. Tian introduced the notion of evolution algebra as a new type of genetic algebra that describes the functioning of the non-mendelian genetic, including, for example, the asexual propagation or the asexual inheritance, as well as physical phenomena, both dynamic and kinematic. In geometry, evolution algebras can describe the motions of particles in a graph embedded in a 3-manifold. Also, some stochastic processes, such as Markov chains on countable state spaces, can be modeled using evolution algebras. In this talk, we will present this class of algebras and introduce some of the main known results about them.