Seminário de Frode Hansen (Universitetet i Oslo, Noruega) no dia 07/07 às 10h
Nesta sexta-feira, dia 07/07, às 10 h, teremos o seminário de Frode Hansen (Universitetet i Oslo, Noruega) intitulado: "Statistical anomalies in the cosmic microwave background fluctuations: A surprising and exciting explanation."
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Topic: Frode Kristian Hansen's Zoom Meeting
Time: Jul 7, 2023 03:00 PM Oslo
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Statistical anomalies in the cosmic microwave background fluctuations: A surprising and exciting explanation.
Frode Hansen (Universitetet i Oslo, Noruega)
Already since the very first maps of the cosmic microwave background fluctuation from the COBE satellite, puzzling and unexplained statistical anomalies have been observed. The latest very high resolution maps provided by the Planck satellite have only increased the number of such anomalies which remain a mystery, though the possibility that they result from statistical fluctuations cannot be ruled out. In a recent paper, we proposed a surprising explanation which naturally resolves these anomalies but which also creates a new mystery. This explanation opens an exciting possibility to discover new physics: a systematic and unexplained decrease in CMB temperatures around nearby galaxies.Already since the very first maps of the cosmic microwave background fluctuation from the COBE satellite, puzzling and unexplained statistical anomalies have been observed. The latest very high resolution maps provided by the Planck satellite have only increased the number of such anomalies which remain a mystery, though the possibility that they result from statistical fluctuations cannot be ruled out. In a recent paper, we proposed a surprising explanation which naturally resolves these anomalies but which also creates a new mystery. This explanation opens an exciting possibility to discover new physics: a systematic and unexplained decrease in CMB temperatures around nearby galaxies.