Seminário 18/08 - quarta-feira
Na próxima quarta-feira, dia 18/08 às 11h, teremos mais um seminário do ciclo de palestras sobre Astrobiologia, organizado pela UFES e pela UFOP, com o título: "From Quantum Chemistry to Astrochemistry"
O seminário será ministrado pelo Prof. Breno Galvão (CEFET-MG),
Título: From Quantum Chemistry to Astrochemistry
As new telescopes are being developed and improved, new intriguing molecules have been detected. This allows for a better understanding of the interstellar medium (ISM), specially the mass growth processes that lead to grains and ultimately to planetary systems formation. Astrochemistry is an interdisciplinary field by nature. Astronomers observe the sky and detect new molecular species and their abundances in different regions. Laboratory experiments simulate reactions between these molecules, and account for their reactivity. Theoretical chemistry can simulate the extreme conditions that occur in space, explain the underlying mechanisms of laboratory reactions, and even predict the outcomes of reactions that are difficult to tackle experimentally. In this talk, we will briefly review the most important aspects of the chemistry of the ISM. Later, specific results obtained in our group regarding sulphur and phosphorus chemistries will be given, together with their astrochemical implications.
- SiS formation in the interstellar medium through Si+SH gas phase reactions. V. C. Mota, A. J. C. Varandas, E. Mendoza, V. Wakelam, and B. R. L. Galvão, ApJ, accepted (2021);
- Interconversion mechanisms of PN and PO in the interstellar medium through simple atom-diatom collisions. André C. Souza, Mateus X. Silva, Breno R. L. Galvão, MNRAS,, (2021);
- Nonadiabatic reaction dynamics to silicon monosulfide (SiS): A key molecular building block to sulfur-rich interstellar grains. S. Doddipatla, C. He, S. Goettl, R. I. Kaiser, B. R. L. Galvão, T. J. Millar, Sci. Adv. 7, eabg7003 (2021);
- SiS formation via gas phase reactions between atomic silicon and sulphur-bearing species. M. A. M. Paiva, B. Lefloch, B. R. L. Galvão, MNRAS 493, 299–304 (2020).
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